Fiat 500e HV battery rebuilds & regeneration. We are rebuilding and regenerating all electric and hybrid cars High Voltage Batteries. Measurements and reports on the battery State of Health. Replacing of damaged cells. Call us before looking for Fiat 500e replacement battery.
Fiat 500e High Voltage Battery specs
500e HV Battery includes a 24 KWH chilled/heated lithium-ion Battery. 500e battery voltage is equal to 364 Volts nominal from 97 cells. ~400V, fully charged. Equipped with safety fuse, that after detach divides the HV battery for two parts
Fiat 500e Battery charger is On Board Charging Module with 6,6kW max power. Level 1 and Level 2, Fiat 500e charging options for 110V and 230V
Electric Fiat 500 over-discharge problem after long time not used. Very often problem after shipping to Europe from United States. We achieve the best results after raising the battery back to operational voltage. Check our post about 47% or 0% SOC, Limited Power Mode not ready Fiat 500e.
Post collision damage Battery Pack Repair. Or very often damage after hitting a sharp stone. Sometimes the smallest hole, may cause water to accumulate inside the battery pack. Water in high voltage battery pack can cause irreparable damage or even a fire of the Electric Vehicle.
Recycle HV Batteries
Old electric cars battery pack conversion for photovoltaic installations. Photovoltaic Battery Management Systems to use with any Lithium batteries. Best way to recycle LiIon batteries.
Check my power tests after 47% dead Fiat 500e