Another Fiat 500e after another service. I.e. repair of a car, broken by another service. The car came to me after a remote diagnosis of the loss of insulators. I was expecting some possible problems and solutions. But the actual problem that arose was absolutely not expected. Even though I have had similar cases before, this one brought me some additional puzzles. But at the end it turned out that the service that repaired the batteries before me, was the most fault of this car.
Service Electric Vehicle System
Service Electric Vehicle System – car in yellow triangle on the dashboard & not ready Fiat 500e. This is another example why not disregarding this warning and do not disconnect the 12V battery to reset faults. Because the earlier the problem is diagnosed, the smaller the damage to the battery and the repair is much easier. the longer the battery is exposed to water and coolant, the repair becomes more and more complicated. The photos posted of the HV battery service, speak for themselves:
But the clear winner was the corroded HV battery cell casing:
Another Fiat 500e after another service and other examples of fixes after others.
from battery computers blocked during the U69 update, to the High Voltage heaters exploding a second time, right after last repair