Fiat 500e Remote Service in the United States, begins with one of the biggest messes I have ever encountered. Jon sent me a n e-mail with dashboard photos of almost all possible errors appearing simultaneously on his 2013 500e. His main concern however, was repair for “Not Ready,” perhaps the most dreaded error of all. John admitted that he had already searched all sites and forums of 500e owners. He had tried a great many ‘fixes’ with no results for any of the errors.
Initial problem list, posted by John was:
- “Not Ready” immobile vehicle – with flashing odometer
- “Blue and Me,” steering wheel buttons, and USB not working
- AlfaOBD Body Computer error B2204
- AlfaOBD errors TMPS U0019 and C1001-4
- There is a postal letter envelope icon above odometer -origin unknown.
- Level 1 EVSE not charge, with two outside dashboard lights flashing.
Jon had OBDLink MX+ code reader and registered copy Android AlfaOBD, so I immediately asked him to send me the HV Battery Log. This’s the basis for servicing an electric car
Alfa’s OBD Battery Log reported few issues, except for the lack of the correct signal to switch the contactors and the lack of charging for the 12 V battery. This is a list of common problem for people who press “everything” in AlfaOBD. But for further diagnostics, I needed logs from other powertrain ECUs.
Unfortunately, Jon had issues that prevented getting additional logs. The situation was getting weirder. Using one trick, I was able to resolve the “Not Ready,” and get the Fiat 500e up and running. But not everything was working properly. Even though the car was already in the “Ready” state, the 12V battery was still not being charged.
Most troubling now was the number of errors in CAN communications, in addition to low 12V battery charge, ABS/RBC failure, and ECU configuration mismatch.
Fiat 500e Remote Service in the United States using WiTech
With no possibility to generate logs from several ECUs, I decided to put AlfaOBD on the shelf, and switch to the native 500e diagnostic tool: WiTech. It enables immediate connections to all modules in both CAN networks, giving a better and more reliable overview.

And so it was in this case. Upon WiTech connection, the diagnosis appeared immediately. I was then certain that the Fiat 500e Remote Service in the United States would be a complete success. which is confirmed by a very nice entry and 5 stars from Jon on Google